Friday, March 09, 2007

Higher Risk of Brain Tumor for Cellphone Users

No good news on the cell phone and cancer front. A group of scientists in Europe conducted a study to investigate the relationship between mobile phone use and risk of glioma cancer. The results of their analyses "do not provide consistent evidence for increased risk of glioma related to the use of mobile phones" for less than 10 years but they found an indication of increased risk for more than 10 years usage. To me, this does not bode well for our young people who often have mobile phones glued to their ears. I haven't read the study completely and don't know whether it addresses the various radiation levels of particular phones but, imho, it makes sense to use a mobile phone with the least amount of radiation. CNET has a good site for finding the radiation output of different cell phones. As you can probably imagine, some of the newest and most cool phones don't have the lowest SAR rating. Hopefully, using the speakerphone option or a headset will help. Good thing kids like to text so much, eh?

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